Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated: Sep 30, 2024

What is Mirror Analytics?

Mirror Analytics is a white-glove data science consultancy that operates with the help of an in-house set of ​digital data science products. It offers a personal data science service alongside a set of data science apps, ​accelerating the entire data-to-insights workflow of business operations.

Key features of our approach include data science planning, data due diligence, data quality checks, data ​synthesis, decision support, methods for meeting science-based targets, scientific and innovation review, ​production of apps, dashboards, and reporting. For the full list of services, please get in touch.

What is is a software written by Mirror Analytics data scientists. It provides automated data checking and ​data preparation. enables Mirror Analytics consultants to produce high-quality data science at ​speed and at scale. At the same time, Mirror Analytics data scientists can closely supervise the performance ​of to ensure that it meets the needs of our clients.

How does Mirror Analytics differ from consultancy firms?

There are various consultancies that promise capabilities in data science. What makes Mirror Analytics ​different is our ability to produce scientific knowledge quickly, transparently, and at scale.

Mirror Analytics data science is produced in-house. We do not subcontract work to other firms, we do not ​have the substantive work done by juniors, we do not simply resell third-party products. All of our data ​scientists are highly qualified in statistics, data science, and psychology. This means that our data scientists ​can give fast, accurate answers and that our products and services are truly fit for purpose and meet our ​clients’ needs.

Mirror Analytics data scientists are supported by a set of in-house data science algorithms and apps that ​automate much of the tedious work of data science - data checking, data cleaning, and data synthesis - and ​provide routine methodologies for cutting-edge statistical and scientific techniques. These technologies ​free up time for Mirror Analytics data scientists to spend meeting client needs and contributing further to ​the development of newer techniques. As a client of Mirror Analytics, you benefit from access to a library of ​technologies housed in our codebase. These technologies make our data scientists faster, cheaper, and ​better than our competitors.

Can Mirror Analytics create data science products for me?

Yes, we create our own data science products in-house and we can do the same for you. Dashboards, ​algorithms, metrics, methodologies - all can be seamlessly integrated with your existing systems. For further ​details on the products we can create for you, please get in touch.

How do I know if Mirror Analytics will be a good fit for my business?

Mirror Analytics’ flexibility has allowed us to successfully deliver data science services to a range of sectors, ​industries, and business models. We offer a white-glove service so that our clients can fine-tune the way ​that we work to suit their particular needs. For more information on the range of industries we work in, see ​our website,

Do I need to know data science to use Mirror Analytics?

We can advise on how to set up a data science program from scratch, including alignment with business ​goals, metrics, data, storage, analytics and reporting. You don’t need any existing knowledge.

How do you work? What are the prices and timeframes?

Generally our clients work with us in one of three ways:

  • Hourly rates: We use hourly rates typically for short engagements or where it’s very difficult to scope the ​work in advance. Our hourly rates vary according to the difficulty of the work and the resources ​available, but we tend to charge between $250 and $500 AUD per hour.

  • Fixed project: We quote and invoice for a specific set of activities. Typically these are set projects such ​as: plan a data science roadmap, conduct data due diligence, design a metric, check our clients’ analytics, ​or create a dashboard for a specific topic. Fixed projects are charged in two-week sprints, and we deliver ​something (a dataset, a report, a dashboard) each sprint. The price per sprint varies, but generally falls ​between $5,000 and $9,000 AUD per sprint. Fixed projects are usually four or five sprints, so in total ​duration eight to ten weeks, but can be up to a year.

  • Retainer: We deliver an ongoing data science function to clients who don’t yet have an equivalent ​capability in-house. Rates differ depending on the amount and type of work, but a typical arrangement ​would be 50 hours of data science work per month for between $15,000 and $20,000 AUD per month.

I only have a small budget, will Mirror Analytics work with smaller businesses like mine?

Get in touch and ask! We are proactive and look for practical arrangements, especially with academic and ​not-for-profit clients. If needed, we can assist clients with locating and applying for the required funding to ​support our work. We have a range of clients, big and small.

Will my team have to change the way they work?

Mirror Analytics consultants will support our clients to fit data science and analytics into their existing ​workflow. Our products and services can be easily customized to meet specific client needs. We do, ​however, caution new clients that shifting to an evidence-based way of doing business can be challenging at ​first, and it may take time for the business to fully adapt. We can also help with change management and ​ongoing support.

Some of my data exists only on paper or in spreadsheets, can Mirror Analytics work with that?

We understand that for many of our clients, and for their customers, it is not practical to have all the ​relevant data cleaned and digitized straight away. It is one of our specialties to take unstructured data - ​found on paper, in spreadsheets, and in many surprising places - and add it to the digital knowledge bases of ​our clients. In short, wherever your data is, we can use it.

I am spending money on a data storage solution, but I’m not seeing any business benefit. Can you help ​with that?

Many of our clients have been sold a cloud data storage solution - a data lake, or data warehouse, or data ​brick, or data river, or something like that - which, in the absence of a scientific function, operates pretty ​much the same as a shared folder on a network drive. Data stored in this way has great potential, but needs ​to be unlocked. Mirror Analytics data scientists can help you take control of your data and use it for business ​benefit.

I have heard that there’s other data online that might help my business. Do you help with discovering ​new data?

Some data technologies provide linkages between your business data and related information online. For ​example, a “data enrichment” service might use an online database of consumer spending information to ​link your marketing lead email addresses to some extra information about how those accounts spend money ​online. Data enrichment doesn’t have to be limited to paid services with one-size-fits-all customer ​information. At Mirror Analytics, we search out additional third-party data that brings special insights to ​your business: marketing information, science-based metrics, geographic data, regulatory data, and any ​number of other data types. We take the extra step of transforming the third-party data to merge with your ​existing business data, giving you truly bespoke insights that are specific to your business needs.